GAEA 2024 tax education workshop and convention.

16 hours of Federal Tax CE credit over three days (May 20 thru May 22) including two hours of ethics.
Hotel rates guaranteed through April 26. Reserve your room now. Link below.
On-site check-in begins Sunday, May 19th at 3 PM. Welcome Reception on Sunday evening at 5 PM. CE session starts on the 20th and ends Wednesday May 22th at 12:30 PM.
Early CE Attendee Registration ($495) includes five meals: breakfast on the mornings of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Lunch on Monday, May 20th and the banquet and world famous live auction on Tuesday evening, May 21st. Late registration ($545) in effect after April 23.
Your Guest(s) can be registered for all five meals ($245), or only the Tuesday banquet event ($125). Register guests separate from your CE registration.
All CE attendees will receive a digital PDF copy of the speaker materials. A printed copy (Book) of the materials is available for purchase at $55 (go to Store).
Registration closes at midnight, May 10th.

HOTEL - Hyatt Regency Savannah, 2 W. Bay St., Savannah, GA
King or Double/Double at $229/night.
See more detail: Click Here
Hotel Reservations - Click Here